Nemachiyōtīlli tēixnāmiquiliztli:PD

Contenido de la página no disponible en otros idiomas.
Īhuīcpa Huiquipedia, in yōllōxoxouhqui cēntlamatilizāmoxtli

We can translate public domain 'Tlalli Cohuatequitl'. Tlalli means domain, land. Cohuatequitl means open to the public. --Mixcoatl 19:19, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi Mixcoatl

Feel free to translate the english text to Nahuatl or maybe Spanish - or both. The text is only meant to be a start.

Please try to find a translation that in Nahuatl really mean Public Domain:

regards, Glenn 19:32, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi Mixcoatl

I have search via google:

How about "calnehuiyantli" - from (french for public domain is domaine public):

regards, Glenn 19:50, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hello Glenn,

I've tried to translate the entire template: In Teihcuiloa Calnehuiyancan quixtiaya copyrightquimotechtianitica, in tecopyright zozolocaya, nozo inon ca ahmo netllaquitilli copyrightica. Inin cah nohuiyan.

litteraly translated it means: 'This picture is 'liberated' in the public domain by the copyright owner, its copyright has exired, or it is not fit for copyright. This is (true) everywhere.'

I speak only a little Nahuatl, I've translated most of it with help from the ifrance dictionary. I've decided not to translate copyright, because in some other non-English languages it isn't translated either. I think someone who speaks Nahuatl better than I (you perhaps?) should check it first before we put it the template.

Regards, --Mixcoatl 20:00, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi Mixcoatl

With the limited Nahuatl I can, it sounds fine.

regards, Glenn 20:04, 12 Oct 2004 (UTC)