
Ahtlatl ahnōzo tlatzontectli, cē yāōtlatquitl.
In Yancuīc Guinea īhuan Australlān mācēhualtin tequitiltiliā ahtlatl (tapayōlli tlahtlāza). In achtzan tōcāitl Australlānco cah woomera.
[xikpatla | xikpatla itsintlan]- D. Garrod, Palaeolithic spear throwers. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 21, 1955, 21-35.
- U. Stodiek, Zur Technik der jungpaläolithischen Speerschleuder (Tübingen 1993).
No xiquitta
[xikpatla | xikpatla itsintlan]Occe necuanamictiliztli
[xikpatla | xikpatla itsintlan]- Secrets of the atlatl Citat: "...Many sources have documented the chilling effect that the atlatl had on the conquistadors who accompanied Cortez on his trek through Mexico in 1520 A.D...this weapon had the ability to pierce their armor and plow right on through and into their chests..."
- A good picture depicting use of the atlatl
- New Scientist story "Stone Age Kalashnikov"
- The history of the spearthrower in the New World