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Īhuīcpa Huiquipedia, in yōllōxoxouhqui cēntlamatilizāmoxtli

Hi, a few days ago I contacted you just to mention that the Slovene orthograph of the capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana. You told me you use phonetic transcription: Liubliana. O.K.

Hungarian pronunciation of Budapest is Budapext (I suppose you use "x" for English "sh").

As to the capital of Romania, Bucureşti in Romanian, you transcribe it Bucarexti. The exact phonetic transcription of the Romanian word should be Bucurext. I do not want to change your systeme, I just do not understand it. If you use Nahua terms of your own it is all right. Best regards, --Henriku 23:23 4 Chicuacē 2009 (UTC)

Hi, we don't have very well defined rules for the names of capital cities; but a main way is try to find if it has been written in nahuatl texts for example Moscohuia (Moscow) or Ierusalem (Jerusalem), if we don't have a nahuatl source sometimes we use the Spanish name or a phonetic or graphic transcription of the original, it depends on an agreement among users but we have not discussed each name.--Ricardo 03:07 5 Chicuacē 2009 (UTC)

I see, we have the same problems on the Sorbian Wp. Sorbian literature is quite reach, but sometimes we don't know which form is the most correct - prowencalski, prowensalski, provencalski... If I can help, you are always welcome.--Henriku 07:43 5 Chicuacē 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, best regards. --Ricardo 16:51 5 Chicuacē 2009 (UTC)